1 LB Delta Dust Multi Use Pest Control Insecticide & Puffer R Duster Bellow Hand Duster Kill Bees Wasps Hornets Silverfish Earwigs Etc.. Reviews
1 LB Delta Dust Multi Use Pest Control Insecticide & Puffer R Duster Bellow Hand Duster Kill Bees Wasps Hornets Silverfish Earwigs Etc.. Feature
- Sold , Packaged and shipped Personally by the Owner of Pestcontrolpross... Delta Dust Active Ingredient: 0.05% Deltamethrin Target pests: Ants, Bedbugs, Cockroaches, Fleas, Silverfish, Scorpions, Sowbugs, Millipedes, and numerous other pests. For use in: Cracks and Crevices indoors and outdoors Application area: 1 lb. delta dust treats approx. 1000sq/ft.
- 1 lb Delta Dust & Puffer R Duster Combo Kit is for sell by PestControlPross
- FOR SALE BY PestControlPross See my Amazon store for many more of the same pest control products the Pros Use.. Thus my company Name PestControlPros.. I only sell what the pros Use!!
- This listing is for Delta Dust 1 LB and the Puffer R duster Bellow duster.. Not the JT Eaton that all the other sellers are selling. The Puffer R Duster is a better duster much easier to use.. My competitors only sell the JT eaton version.. I stopped selling the JT eaton because all the issues with it.. cap doesnt stay on the bellows is too stiff.. hard to use..
- Pest Control Pros is an independent company and distributor of pest control products. Pest Control Pros can not warranty or guarantee the safety of the products listed on our website as this solely lies with the manufacturer of the product. Products sold on this site are sold throughout the world and it is impossible to know every licensing restriction or requirements, product registration, etc. for every country, state, county, city, province, etc. It is the sole responsibility of the purchaser and the end user to provide a license, permit, registration or whatever is required by their local or state authorities to purchase said product
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Jan 19, 2011 00:44:03
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